Springtime allergies are not simply a problem for people; they can also affect pets. Pets can experience seasonal allergies in the springtime, just like people can. To keep their furry friends healthy and comfortable, it’s good for pet owners to know about the signs of springtime allergies in pets and how to treat them. The signs and remedies for pet allergies in spring will be covered in this blog.
Symptoms of springtime allergies in pets
Pets can suffer from seasonal allergies in a similar way to humans. The most common symptoms of springtime allergies in pets include:
- Itchy skin: Pets who experience allergies in the spring may have itchy skin, which can lead to more scratching, biting, and licking. This could lead to hot patches, skin infections, and hair loss.
- Sneezing and coughing: Just like humans, pets can also suffer from sneezing and coughing due to seasonal allergies. This can be a result of an allergic reaction to pollen, dust, or other airborne allergens.
- Runny nose and eyes: Pets with springtime allergies may also have a runny nose and eyes. This can result in discharge from the eyes and nose, making your pet uncomfortable.
- Ear infections: Pets with springtime allergies may be prone to ear infections. This is because the ears can become itchy and inflamed due to allergies, leading to the development of bacterial or fungal infections.
Treatments for springtime allergies in pets
It’s crucial to take your pet to the vet for a correct evaluation if you think they may be experiencing springtime allergies. To identify the precise allergen causing the allergy symptoms, we will do a physical examination and may administer recommended allergy testing. If an allergy is suspected, the vet may suggest one or more of the following remedies.
Medications: The vet may advise antihistamines, steroids, or other drugs to treat the symptoms, depending on how severe the allergic symptoms are.
Allergy vaccine: In some cases, the vet may recommend allergy vaccines, also known as immunotherapy. These vaccines contain small amounts of the allergen and are given over time to desensitize your pet’s immune system.
Bathing: Regular bathing can help remove allergens from your pet’s skin and coat. Use a pet-specific shampoo that is gentle on their skin and coat.
Diet: In some cases, a change in diet can help alleviate allergy symptoms. The vet may recommend a hypoallergenic diet that is free of common allergens.
What you can do for your pet
Pets who suffer from springtime allergies may find it upsetting and uncomfortable. However, with the right diagnosis and care, the symptoms can be controlled and your pet can remain comfortable. It is crucial for pet owners to be aware of the signs of springtime allergies in pets and to seek veterinary care if they believe their pet may be experiencing one. Your pet can enjoy the spring season pain-free with the correct care and treatment.
It’s also important to consider other ways to keep your pet safe during spring, especially with deep cleaning taking place in many of our homes. Read our blog for keeping your pet safe and healthy during your spring clean here.
Want more information?
If you want more information or feel your pet may require veterinary care due to springtime allergies, please contact Cathcart & Winn Vets to speak to one of our professionals today about how we can help your pet.
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